Welcome to theA-People

The A-People is now publicly accessible, please see our updated terms and conditions below.

Customer Support Portal Terms and Conditions

Automation Anywhere welcomes your participation and hopes you feel free to engage with us online. We have our Support Portal and maintain several social media accounts (collectively “Pages”) to allow us to interact with you, improve our services, and hear what you have to say!

You can find our third-party social media accounts on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram. When you join the conversation on our Pages, we ask that you use common courtesy, respect and follow our Community Guidelines.

Website Terms

You agree to the Website Terms located at A-PeopleWebsite Terms | Automation Anywhere which are incorporated herein.

Guidelines for Posting on Automation Anywhere’s Pages

When posting, commenting, or interacting with any of our Pages, we encourage everyone to:

  1. Keep it clean.
  2. Our Pages are public—anyone can see your posts on our third-party social media accounts, and anyone registered for our Support Portal can see your posts on the Support Portal. Your posts and comments on any of the Pages may also appear in search engine results like Google. Because of this, we may review all comments and posts on our Pages and remove those posts and comments that do not fit our Community Guidelines. We are not responsible for views expressed in posts on our Pages that are not directly from Automation Anywhere.

    We ask that you treat everybody with respect. In our sole discretion, we may delete posts or comments that we determine to be disrespectful or inappropriate. This may include, for instance, posts or comments that appear profane, inappropriate, disruptive, or indecent; that constitute direct or implied threats, personal attacks, abusive or inflammatory language, or harassment; that use discriminatory or hateful speech; that are false, inaccurate, misleading, or libelous; or that may be perceived as spam or containing any virus, malware, spyware, or similar harmful program.

    Writing in ALL CAPS or using HTML tags makes posts difficult to read and can clutter our Pages. Excessive symbols, special characters, or text message acronyms also contribute to clutter and can be challenging to read or confusing for those unfamiliar with what they mean. Please post in English and try to use language that most people understand.

  3. Stay on topic.
  4. Automation Anywhere’s social media accounts and Support Portal are meant to enable relevant conversations for users visiting our sites. If your post is unrelated to Automation Anywhere or its affiliates, it may be moved or deleted.

  5. Be honest and accurate.
  6. False, inaccurate, or otherwise misleading information contradicts our Pages’ purpose. Please do not contribute this type of content and avoid posting information unless you know it is accurate. You'll find plenty of good advice here, but remember that your situation, configuration, or implementation may vary from that of the individual sharing a solution. Apply the same good judgment here that you would apply to information anywhere on the Internet.

  7. Avoid using our sites for marketing.
  8. Unsolicited advertising does not benefit the users visiting our Pages. We may delete any original posts, comments, or replies that attempt to advertise to or solicit our site visitors.

  9. Use only original content.
  10. Posting content infringing on others’ copyrights, trademarks, or intellectual property rights violates the law and our Community Guidelines. Many images on the web are copyrighted material and may not be posted or shared on our Pages. For example, photos of celebrities or other brands and logos may be removed because of copyright infringement.

  11. Respect your privacy and the privacy of others.
  12. We ask that you do not include private information about yourself in any posts or replies, including ATM, debit card, or account numbers. Automation Anywhere will never contact you online to request this or any other type of personal information. If you post any information about another person’s email address, phone number, street address, or other personal information, the post will be removed immediately upon our becoming aware of it.

  13. Use our customer service channels to report any issues.
  14. To protect the identity of our customers, we do not address specific customer service requests or account questions through any of our Pages. If you have any issues, questions, or complaints about our Pages, your Support Portal account, or any of our sites, please open a support case via https://support.automationanywhere.com or email webmaster@automationanywhere.com.

  15. Help us look after your community.
  16. If you notice any posts or comments that do not abide by these Community Guidelines, please report them to Automation Anywhere by using the “Flag” function next to the post (click on the upside-down triangle button on the upper right-hand corner of the message and select “Flag.”

Where You Can Find Us on Social Media.
  • Support Portal: https://apeople.automationanywhere.com/
  • LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/automation-anywhere
  • Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/global_rpa_leader
  • Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AutomationAnywhereSoftware
    • https://www.facebook.com/AutomationAnywhereKorea/
  • Twitter: https://twitter.com/AutomationAnywhere
    • https://twitter.com/AAJapaneseBot/
    • https://twitter.com/AutomationAnyTW/
    • https://twitter.com/AutomationAnyJP/